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Finance has cellular / wireless payment (credit and debit) card devices which can be used by any Wake Forest University department, organization or affiliate holding an authorized University event.

Rental Terminal Terms & Conditions

  • Rentals are subject to availability and duration is limited to three business days although exceptions can be made. Late fees of $20.00 per day will be assessed for terminals not returned on time.
  • Departments, organizations, or affiliates will be assessed a rental charge of 5% of your sales. This fee covers both the machine rental and all payment card processing fees (i.e. costs per transaction plus card processor interchange rates).
  • If the machine is damaged in any way, all repair or replacement cost will be assessed to the departments, organizations, or affiliate.
  • If charge disputes are received during the duration of rental, the department renting the terminal is responsible for responding to dispute notifications and refunding charges, if necessary.

Rental Instructions

To rent one of these machines, please follow the steps below:

NOTE:  If the rental is for an undergraduate student organization, please contact Amy Mohan in the Dean of Students Office for rental information.

  1. Complete the Rental Request Form.
  2. Once the request is received, Finance staff will review the information, seek any needed clarifications, and schedule the rental.
  3. Written instructions will be included with the machine at pick-up.  Instructions for the Bluefin Wisepad are also available online.  Note that this links to Google Drive and you may be required to log in with your Wake Forest credentials to access it.
  4. Rental terminals must be secured from unauthorized use and theft at all times.  If the event lasts for more than one day and the terminal is being kept overnight, it must be kept in a secure and locked environment.
  5. The person who checks out the device must complete the PCI Security and Confidentiality Agreement at the time that the device is picked up. Be sure to review the one-page awareness compliance training document before signing the agreement.  Note that this links to Google Drive and you may be required to log in with your Wake Forest credentials to access it.
  6. Turn the machine in on the scheduled turn-in date. If changes to the schedule need to be made, please contact Karen Hunter.

IMPORTANT!  In the event that the terminal is stolen or there is a suspicion of a loss of data due to a security breach (e.g. suspected virus infection or unusual activity on the terminal), immediately report the concern to Information Security.  Finance and Information Security will assess the situation and invoke the necessary incident response plan.