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Financial Accounting and Reporting provides services that include interim and year-end financial closings (e.g. journal entries, Workday financial reports, University financial statements), general ledger maintenance (e.g. new funds, cost centers, accounts, activity codes and location codes), capital projects, fixed assets and equipment inventories, sponsored grants, endowment and gift accounting, and banking and treasury.

The information contained on this page will assist with the following:

  • Year-End and Interim Closings
  • Reporting Deadlines

Please feel free to forward any reporting questions you have to

FAQ and Training


Month End Closing and Reporting

All subsystems are to close their month by the second business day of the following month. This is also the date when journal entries are due to financial reporting. All journal entries received from campus departments are reviewed by Finance before they are entered.

The general ledger is normally closed by the fifth business day following month end. Once the ledger is closed, a notification is sent by Finance to an established distribution to notify all appropriate campus users that the month is closed and they can view final reports online. These monthly reports should be used to assist departments with their analysis of actual to budget revenues and expenses. Departmental questions concerning monthly charges should be submitted to Responses from Finance should be within two to three business days.

Account reconciliations (XLS) are due to area managers by the 25th day of the following month. All area managers are responsible for reviewing account reconciliations for completeness and accuracy. A log of all account reconciliation’s and the person responsible for them is maintained on the shared drive. The account reconciliations and the log are reviewed monthly by Finance.

Fiscal Year End

This is the central location to find documents and information pertaining to Wake Forest’s fiscal year end.

Key Year End Related Forms & Links

Accounts Receivable

Financial Accounting & Reporting