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As shared on March 20, the University is transitioning to Wells Fargo as our new PCard partner effective July 1, 2018.  Your assistance is needed in order to make this a smooth transition.

New Bank of America PCards

The last day to request any new Bank of America PCards is April 16.  If your department will need a PCard for a new hire or for someone transitioning to a new role at the University that requires a PCard, please submit your request using the online application.  Once approved, new cardholders will need to complete the online training course and submit a completed cardholder agreement.  Information on training opportunities for new cardholders identified after the April 16 cutoff will be communicated in the coming weeks.

Faculty/Staff Travelers

New Wells Fargo PCards will be distributed beginning mid-June, which will replace your current Bank of America PCard.  If you, the cardholder, will be traveling and not on campus to receive your card between June 15 through June 30, please complete and submit the  Google collection form to notify Finance so that we can determine an alternative delivery method.  This form needs to be submitted no later than May 15.

More information will be shared in the coming weeks as this transition continues.  Thank you for your assistance as we make this important banking transition.  If you have any questions, please contact Erika Brown at x5998.

Categories: Policy
